Short Biography
Maria Cuartero was born in Murcia (Spain). She studied a BSc in Chemistry and MSc in Advanced Chemistry at the University of Murcia (Spain). Maria Cuartero obtained her PhD degree in 2014 and then, she moved to the University of Geneva (Switzerland) for a postdoctoral stage in the group of Prof. Eric Bakker (2014-2017). Since 2018, Maria Cuartero is developing her independent scientific career at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm (Sweden), first as Marie Curie fellow and now as Assistant Professor. Maria Cuartero research is mainly focused on the development of new fundamental concepts in electroanalysis based on interconnected ion-transfer and charge-transfer processes. Cuartero’s ideas have being funded by very prestigious grants, such as ERC-Starting Grant (European Research Council) and the Swedish VR-Starting Grant (Vetenskapsrådets). Other research interests comprise environmental water electroanalysis, enzymatic (bio)sensors, wearable sensors for healthcare, spectroelectrochemistry and scanning-electrochemical microscopy. Maria Cuarter is co- author of >80 peer-reviewed papers mainly in journals related to Analytical Chemistry and Electrochemistry fields.

2019, Sensors Journal Award for Postdocs
2018, Early Career Analytical Electrochemistry Prize, International Society of Electrochemistry
2016, Electrochimica Acta Travel Award for young Scientifics
2015, International Society Electrochemistry Travel Award for young Scientifics
2015, PhD Thesis Award in Analytical Chemistry, Spanish Society of Analytical Chemistry
2015, Best oral presentation in Analytical Sciences in SCS Fall Meeting
2014, Best poster presentation in Analytical Sciences in SCS Fall Meeting
2014, PhD Award Thesis in Chemistry, University of Murcia
Recent Funding received as principal investigator
2021 HMT21, Region Stockholm, FoUI-955546, ‘Feasibility study for the replacement of the invasive arterial blood gas analysis by a non-invasive microneedles-based sensor array’
2021 EIT Digital 2019-2021, Digital Innovation Factory, ‘Wearable Smarting Sensing’
2020 Carl Trigger Foundation, CTS20:88, ‘Nedifrån-upp-strategier som den grundläggande kärnan för nya jonsensorer’
2019 ERC Starting Grant, H2020-ERC-2019-STG 851957, ‘ConquerIons’
2019 Vetenskapsradet Starting Grant, 2019-04142, ‘Electroanalytical Devices based on Redox Active Self-Assembled Monolayers’
2019 Olle Engkvists Stiftelse, 204-0214. ‘(Micro)needles for Biomedical Sensing: New Approach for Reliable On-Body Outcomes’
2019 Wenner-Gren Stiftelserna, UPD2019-0038/UPD2020-0167 and ‘Ammonium sensing: fundaments on nanomembranes comprising tripodal tris(pyrazolyl) receptors’
2019 Aforsk Foundation, 19-464. ‘Potentiometric Sensors to Fill the Knowledge Gaps connected to Eutrophication in Water Streams’
2018 Marie Curie Individual Fellowship, H2020-MSCA-IF-2017 7922824. ‘VolThinSens’
2018 Wenner-Gren Stiftelserna, UPD2017-0220, ‘Light-Driven Smart Surfaces as a new wave of Electrochemical Sensors’

Current Teaching Duties at KTH Royal Institute of technology
Chemical Sensing CE2020. Course Responsible and Teacher
Chemical Analysis KD1280/KD1290. Teacher and responsible for LAB2 module.
Analytical Separations KD2330. Teacher
Degree Project in Chemistry, Second cycle KD200X. Examiner
Project in Chemistry KD2910. Examiner
Project in Chemistry KD2905. Examiner
Patent: “Controlled proton release in thin-layer samples for alkalinity detection”. Application number: 1930363-5
Patent: “Methods of modifying microneedles for painless transdermal biomonitoring”. Application number: 1951427-2
Founder of the Startup IDRO BV (